Sunday, July 14, 2024

Dog Show misjudged!

Thanks all for your good wishes for Husband. I shouldn't think anything will be happening very quickly but who knows?

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Joined Daughter and family at Pennard carnival yesterday. For a little village it did really well. The parade was led by Ukrainian dancers.

Cinderella was there along with characters from Never-ending Story, rugby players, dinosaurs, and a Star Wars float, amongst others. I wasn't quite sure what a bull-headed Batman was doing there but I'm not a Star Wars fan so maybe he plays a vital role.

The best bit, of course, was the Dog Show. Here is Maple a four-month-old labradoodle who should have won the Puppy Class but didn't even get placed! Look at that face!

Is it possible to go to a village fete without thinking about murder I wonder. Or have I watched too many Midsomer Murders?

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Wales lost the rugby to Australia but the final result was quite close, and high-scoring (36-28). I fear there will be less action in the final of the Euros this evening when Spain play England, but I'll be there - or rather here - with Husband cheering them on.

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Last night I dreamt I had to use a public toilet in a sort of underground cavern. A communal toilet, with lots of people sitting around, and not very clean toilets. 

If I can be said to have a recurring dream it would be about toilets. Looking for one, dirty ones, communal ones, not finding one in time. I'm sure that must say something probably very boring about my psyche.


Ole phat Stu said...

If you dream about toilets then
NEVER use it!!!

Boud said...

When I see idyllic pictures of villages I think uh-oh, what's up?

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Watching too much Midsomer Murders LOL! And Maple the Puppy is too cute for words!

jabblog said...

Recurring dreams are a pain.

Abby said...

Parade, puppies = nice weekend!
There's meaning somewhere in the dirty communal toilet dream, I'm sure.

Anvilcloud said...

Rumour has it that are no people left in Midsomer, so yes, perpetrators could have spread to your area.

Ann said...

That is a cute face on that pup.

Marie Smith said...

That is an adorable pup. A dog show sounds like a great event to take in on a summer day!