Thursday, July 04, 2024

Castles and cat pee

Because it was drizzly yesterday we went to Sainsburys but managed a small lap of Mumbles Hill this afternoon.

On the way we stopped so I could get a photo of castle no 3.

The only thing I know about this flower is that, when I was a child, I was told not to pick it because it smells of cat pee.

The arrow is pointing - very roughly - to where we live.

Think I will have a little rest now, maybe even a nap, to help me stay awake tonight.


Angela said...

Here in Norfolk we have had lots of animal trails, including dinosaurs and dragons. No castles [yet] These look great fun

jabblog said...

Lovely place to live. I like the Gower peninsula.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

That's a lovely painted castle!

Ann said...

That castle is beautiful. The flower is quite pretty but if it smells like cat pee I wouldn't want it.

Marie Smith said...

Such a gorgeous area!

PipeTobacco said...

Cool castles! In our area we have large (human sized) rabbits groups paint .

Did you actually smell the flower to confirm that they did smell bad? It could be an old tale. They are pretty.

For those of us in the US…. may I ask that you give us your opinion of the GB vote that just resulted in a complete shift of majority parties in your government? The BBC World News talked at great lengths about the CHANGE, but not a lot about what the new “in charge” party stands for. Is it a good change? The only thing that they alluded to was that it was the party of Tony Blair from the late 90s. My recollection was that it was an “ok” group at least when compared to Boris, but I would like to hear your opinions and ideas…. since I really do not know.
