Friday, July 05, 2024

A new start

Made it to 2.30 am. Would have stayed up longer - I didn't feel tired - but had to be in Zac's for food service this morning so thought I'd better be sensible. I didn't get to witness any of the Big Names losing but saw that our constituency had remained Labour, so settled for that.

Having a new government won't mean a sudden improvement in hospital waiting lists but it will, I think, mean a return to honesty and integrity. I'm certainly hoping so. It feels there is hope in the air.

The fact, however, that so many people voted for the far right party is depressing, but we've seen similar swings in Italy and France. Why don't people learn?

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To the mundane, I have a little patch along my left jaw-line that is particularly hirsute. I've pulled out so many hairs it is getting to look very turkey-warty. 

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Yesterday I heard it said that it takes thirty days to break a habit, or to start one. I am going to try to cut out sugar and sugary treats for thirty days, see if it takes away my cravings. This is Day 1. It will be hard. Wonder how many days I'll last.

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It's the Wales Air Show this weekend, happening over the bay. Stu in Zac's commented that he's not patriotic by nature but seeing the red, white and blue smoke streams from the Red Arrows always makes him proud. I said it makes me want to be a Red Arrows pilot.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Good luck with your effort to give up sugar and sugary treats. As a diabetic, I know how difficult that can be.

Boud said...

I think the first few days of those thirty are the hardest. Then you reach a sunk cost point where you don't want to lose the advantage by stopping. I'm told you actually lose interest in it in a while, which makes it easier.

jabblog said...

Having such a large majority will make life harder for Starmer.
Nothing much will change to begin with - the Civil Service runs the country, after all, but none of us will be surprised when taxes rise and the NHS goes on failing, except in emergencies, and people still can't afford housing or food.

Ann said...

I wish govt, in the U.S, had more honesty and integrity. I have little faith in any of them any more.
I gave up sugar about a year ago. Unfortunately I recently started to occasionally have something here and there. I need to get back to cutting it out completely.

Anvilcloud said...

Congrats on the result. I fear Canada will end up with a Con government because of how political parties break down.

Anonymous said...

BBC keeps me posted throughout what is my night. It was interesting!
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