Monday, June 10, 2024

Quack, quack

So I went to the garden centre today. Actually I had to go to the toy shop and the garden centre was on the way back, so I didn't have any option but to pop in.

I was looking for a lilac when I saw this lovely plant - ah, you can't see it very well but it has a fascinating twisty stem, and interestingly-coloured leaves. I thought it would work well in our garden, and wondered about buying it.

Then I saw this and I was hooked.
All soil types, all locations, hardy. How can it fail? Even with me looking after it. So I brought it home. (They didn't have any lilacs anyway.)

And the postman brought me a parcel. Remember that boring corner?

Now it's home to The Duck Family.

Which reminds me: I'm sure Husband said he was growing creeping thyme. Maybe the ducks would look better against that background. Hm. 


jabblog said...

I like the ducks. They would look well against a green background, too.

Ann said...

That's my kind of plant.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Cute ducks!

Kathy G said...

Lot of positive changes going on in your yard.

Cop Car said...

The thing about the plants that I’ve found that grow anywhere under any conditions is that they do…and try to take over the world. I hope your weird plant turns out to be less ambitious. It looks very interesting.