Saturday, June 15, 2024

Never the Tories

I hadn't even been out there five minutes before it started raining!

So I came in and have done lots of those little odd jobs - putting things away etc - that don't take long but you never seem to get round to.

In a comment on an earlier post Boud said she hoped whoever got into power would be able to sort out the weather. I replied, "I'd vote for them!" Then I thought, "But what if they were the Tories? Would having sunny weather make up for that?"

I think the answer would have to be no. The NHS, human rights, fair treatment of would-be immigrants. Too much to sacrifice.

Now I have a week off work! Okay, not work but volunteering. Younger Son and family arrive next Friday night for a week, so I'm having that off, and I decided that, as I'd not had any time off since September, unless unwell, I deserved a little extra break. So I'm off this coming week too. I already have appointments to have my hair done and my hearing aids fitted so I shall be a new person by the end of it!

* * * * *

Last Tuesday in Zac's we had an Australian visitor, Mike - not John, which for some reason I was convinced was his name. He's a member of the God Squad Sydney chapter and was on his way back from the Ukraine where he'd been visiting God Squadders and taking aid. He'd been accompanying Irish musician, Sammy Horner, a good friend of Zac's, and Corky, another Irish God Squadder. 

From left, Marcus, a faithful Zaccer, Sean, Mike, Nigel, Stu

Sammy wrote this on Facebook:

"I'm well aware of wars in other countries. Gaza, Congo, Burma...the list goes on and it's overwhelming.  So, what do we do?  Just sit here? So far my experience has been that people in places of conflict amazingly leave me with much more than I ever leave them.  

"Resilience, courage, community, love and yes, even joy, hope, faith, laughter, fun, music, art and creativity.  . . . those I met in Ukraine are beautiful people. kind, welcoming and servants in so many ways. Sure, we brought our stuff but almost without exception what we heard was, 'just come ... be with us ... hear our story ... don't forget us!' 

"Seriously an honour to be with these dear people...and so much fun and joy! "

* * * * *

I've just done some blog visiting and saw these on Granny ?'*s site, and had to borrow them. 

* Unforgivable. Will find out the correct name asap.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Enjoy your time off! Interesting visitors to Zac's!

Angela said...

I agree about voting!! Even tho I got caught in a cloudburst and soaked to the skin. Sitting here in damp socks, jeans and knickers. Can't believe it's June

Boud said...

They're a hairy bunch! Evidently serious about taking care of people. Good for them.

Are you planning to buy shares in mac factories? Judging from all the Europeans I'm hearing from, them and wellies are where the smart money's going.

I hope you enjoy hearing better. You might be surprised at how much you've been missing. Or maybe not. And you can always turn them down when that argumentative soul shows up at Zac's..

jabblog said...

Fanatics of whatever stripe are to be avoided like the plague. Vote, but be careful . . .

Ann said...

Enjoy your time off.