Saturday, June 15, 2024

Gloom and doom

Last night and this morning felt a bit weepy. I'm not a cryer so it's more of a gloomy feeling. No particular reason at all. If you've experienced depression on any level - and mine is very low level - you'll know it doesn't need a trigger; sometimes it just happens.

Cheered myself up a bit by eating half a cranberry and pecan loaf from M&S. Could job they only make small size ones. And shortly I shall go and do some gardening.

* * * * *

Becoming more and more of a Republican. Really can't be doing with Charles. I didn't mind the late Queen, was fairly indifferent to her, but seeing royalty wearing rows of sparkly medals at the 80th commemoration of D-Day just seems to demean the real heroes. Yes, get a medal for being involved in military action but not just for being in the forces, or worse, being Colonel-in-chief or whatever.  Mutter, mutter. 

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I was delighted to find a copy of The Lighthouse Keeper's Lunch in a charity shop recently. Less delighted when I got it home to find the middle pages missing.

* * * * *

Gosh, this is a cheerless post! I'd better get myself out there and take out my misery on the bindweed and brambles. On a positive note I've bought myself new gardening gloves!


Debra She Who Seeks said...

My advice? Eat the other half of the cranberry and pecan loaf!

Sue in Suffolk said...

The weather is enough to make even the happiest person get down in the dumps!

Abby said...

Oh, happy ending - new gardening gloves!

Liz Hinds said...

I am very tempted to do that, Debra!
Sue, I wasn't in the garden for even five minutes before the rain began!

Boud said...

It's okay not to be okay sometimes. I hope you took Debra's advice.

Anvilcloud said...

Your post was okay. It's life.

Terra said...

Sometimes we need to do self care, I hope you will do that. Playing in the garden counts, or a nap or a cup of coffee at home or with a friend. As I am aging I need to do more of that.

Ann said...

I agree with Debra, eat the rest of the cranberry and pecan loaf.

jabblog said...

A good mumble and mutter gets it out of your system.