Saturday, June 22, 2024

A day: the good and the bad

So the out-of-hours GP referred Husband to the medical admissions unit where he's been ever since, either on a fairly comfy chair in the waiting room or a reclining chair in the treatment room. 

They have concluded it is an infection probably around his lungs, diaphragm and gall bladder and he's had a number of x-rays and scans today. He's on IV fluids and antibiotics. I went in this afternoon and was told his temperature was still high and they had increased the strength of the antibiotic. 

He must be exhausted and I'm hoping that's partly why he looked so grim.

They have seven patients in there waiting for beds but the hospital is full so it's likely Husband will spend the night on the recliner.

Elder Son stayed in hospital with Husband until 6 this morning. Meanwhile Italian family arrived at about 4.00 am so I got a few hours sleep. Had a good time with all the family today. Would have been better of course if Husband had been there. 

Praying for better news tomorrow. Thank you all for your words and prayers.


Abby said...

Thanks for the update!
Sounds like he's in good hands, and hopefully a bed opens for him soon if needed.

Boud said...

I'm glad he's getting treatment. I'd be happier if he had a bed, but at least he's in medical hands and your sons are available. Not what you'd planned for this week. Please try to get some rest yourself.

Anvilcloud said...

Oh, it has become a bit of an ordeal. Sorry about that. I hope it gets solved soon.

acorn hollow said...

Sending healing prayers for your husband.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

I wondered if infection was involved. My father had a close call with septicemia in his bloodstream once. Glad antibiotics are being administered -- that should do the trick! I hope your husband is back feeling healthy again soon.

Terra said...

I am praying that the treatments will work and hubby will be fully healed. This is exhausting for him and for you.

Ann said...

Praying he's feeling better soon.

jabblog said...

He's in the right place for him now. Let's hope the infection is soon brought under control and he can resume normal life and enjoy your younger son's visit.

Marie Smith said...

You both have been on my mind! It is good to hear your husband is being treated. I am glad you have everyone around you there. It must be such a worrying time. Prayers for a quick recovery!

Kathy G said...

Sending prayers for a speedy recovery.