Friday, May 17, 2024

Things people post

One of our regulars comes at the start of food service every week at Zac's and sits inside with us as he has bad legs. He was very chatty today, and telling me why he doesn't have Facebook.

"You get people on there showing photos of their food. Who wants to see that? Or people who get in touch with old school friends. Why would you want to do that? Or they say, 'I woke up this morning and I was on the wrong side of the bed!' Who cares?"

I smiled and nodded while thinking, "And there, G, you have just described all my Facebook posts!"

* * * * *

I'm making a lamb buna for dinner tonight, trying out a new recipe. Does it ever happen to you that you're in the middle of cooking something and you start thinking it's not going to be very exciting? That's how I feel about this bhuna.

* * * * *

My supply of magnesium supplements has arrived. I ordered them after they were recommended to me as possibly helpful with sleeping. I shall report back.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

I hope the magnesium helps with better sleep. Keep us posted!

Kathy G said...

If the magnesium doesn't work for you keep it handy for your plants.

Anvilcloud said...

We bloggers say the same things as facebookers, but we take longer to do it. :)

Liz Hinds said...

I hope so too, Debra.
Good thinking, Kathy.
Very true, AC.

jabblog said...

What interests some doesn't interest others. C'est la vie!
Beautiful rose, by the way :-)

Ann said...

Facebook isn't for everyone. There are even people I follow and I often wonder why because I don't enjoy many of their posts. I've learned the fine art of scrolling on by or hitting unfollow..

Marie Smith said...

I will be looking forward to your magnesium report, Liz.

Abby said...

I enjoy reading blogs - food, magnesium supplements, whatever. For some reason Facebook bores me to death.
I've been taking magnesium supplements for years. Didn't even know it was recommended for good sleep. *nods off*

Liz Hinds said...

It is a lovely rose, Jabblog, and the first of many on that bush.
FB is coming up with more and more adverts too, Ann.
No change after one tablet, Marie!
Apparently I have been getting magnesium in my daily multi-vitamin, Abby, so we'll see if a big dose makes any difference.