Tuesday, May 14, 2024

The trouble with . . .

jigsaws is that I become obsessed. I started a 1,000 piece one yesterday and have completed three-quarters of it. It's called Sweets of the 60s, but doesn't include the Mars bar. It does however feature a Marathon bar. So I checked: Marathon was indeed introduced in 1968 but Mars bars came into being in 1932!

Things you learn from jigsaws. I would have put Marathon in the 70s.

* * * * *

Lovely walk with Daughter today. I arrived at her house in my cardi accompanied by drops of rain. "Is it going to rain?" Daughter said.

"Nah, it'll be fine," said I, looking anxiously at the sky. Just before I left the house Husband had kindly told me there was a 38% chance of rain, but who believes weather forecasts anyway?

By the time we got to the beach, it was warm and sunny. Cardi off.

Walking back around the cliffs it was very windy. Cardi on. 

Cutting back through the village it was warm. Cardi off.

I can't remember where my cardi was by the time we got back.

* * * * *
Husband has tinnitus, a constant ringing in his ears. I seem to have developed Big Bennitis, an occasional bonging in my ear. It's a good job I'm seeing the audiologist next week.


jabblog said...

My son-in-laws has banned my daughter doing jigsaws as she simply can't leave them alone!

Liz Hinds said...

That's me!

Boud said...

I'm more of a couple of pieces puzzler. Just while I'm waiting for the kettle to boil, that sort of interval. Our library borrowing time is three weeks, and I have to renew it!

Ann said...

I just had an appointment with the audiologist yesterday. Have my new hearing aids and the world is in full volume again.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Big Bennitis? Sounds horrible!

Abby said...

Jigsaws are addicting! I typically build one during the holiday break since I've got free time. Any other time, I must remove them, or I don't get much else done!
I hope the audiologist clears up you Big Bennitis.

Kathy G said...

I don't have a place to keep a jigsaw puzzle laid out, but when I go to the library there's usually one in progress and I do my part to add a few pieces.

Anvilcloud said...

Mars bars are my goto. I think ours are like yours, but the Americans don't have them -- not like ours anyway. One guilty pleasure if often having a bite-size Mars after breakfast. I know, I know ...

Marie Smith said...

I have been at my 1000 piece for about two weeks and I expect to be at least another month. Love the challenge though!