Saturday, May 18, 2024

Rough around the edges

I don't know if I've mentioned Rough Edges before. It's a charity shop specialising in stuff for the sort of things men usually do. No, that doesn't sound any better than 'for men'. But you know what I mean. None of the usual clothes, soft furnishings, books, etc, but tools, gardening equipment, sporting stuff, bits for cars and bikes etc etc. 

It was set up by Sean from Zac's and the profits support the work of Zac's.

Recently the shop has got very over-crowded. Too many donations and an unwillingness on the part of the volunteers to throw stuff away.  So a refit and re-opening was decided upon after having a Yard Sale today. 

The shop itself was closed but everything that was proving difficult to shift or taking up too much room was put in the yard and for an entry fee of £1 buyers could take what they could carry. Or more than.

It proved to be quite successful both in raising money (about £100) and also in making space. And several people had some amazing bargains. I went along to help man it and only came back with a couple of things - wood stain and a pipe I plant to plant something in. (The bit of fencing I bought is going to be delivered for me.)

The shop is in one of the less affluent parts of the city but just across the road the local community has set up a lovely garden, with berries, herbs and vegetables.

We are forecast full sun tomorrow so it's barbecue time. After helping out I went to M&S to stock up on barbecue goodies. While I was there I treated myself to a palmier, and ate it imagining I was in a French services on the way to Italy instead of wet Wales. That said, Younger Son tells me they've had more rain than usual of late.

Not my photo but just reading how to make them and I'm very tempted.


acorn hollow said...

What a great idea rough around the edges is!
Oh those pastries look so good.
we are getting rain today

jabblog said...

Rough Edges sounds like a good venture. Hope it doesn't fill again too soon.

Boud said...

This is a great idea. Usually men do like tools, also bargains.

Abby said...

Rough Edges seems like a smart idea. The garage sale, too!

Marie Smith said...

They do look delicious!

Ole Phat Stu said...

We have pastries like those in Germany too. But much bigger and the tops covered in chocolate.
They are called Pigs Ears. Designed for dunking in e.g. a Latte Macciato. Drool!!!

Ann said...

I have no idea what a palmier is but it sure looks tempting. I bet it was delicious.

Liz Hinds said...

Thanks all. Rough Edges is a great idea. A few more volunteers would make it even better!
Yes, Stu, the palmiers in France are much bigger too.
Ann, they're basically puff pastry and crispy sugar.

Anvilcloud said...

That sounds like a great idea for many men.

PipeTobacco said...

That sounds like a fun place to visit for me. I would like much of the stuff I suspect!