Sunday, May 26, 2024

It started so well

On the train yesterday with GrandDaughter2 (aged 9) I went to put my arm around her. She gave me a look and said, "Personal space!"

She is very cuddly and huggy in private but not in public it seems!

She is learning from her big sister. 

* * * * *

In prison last week the guard was searching my bag. I take my glasses and keys and that's it, but he said, "You've got paracetamol in here. You're only allowed to take in enough for immediate use."
"Well, there's only two in the packet," I said glancing at it.
"Yes, but you've got another packet in here."
"Have I?"

They were stored in the little pocket for emergencies. I used to get a lot of headaches so always carried some with me. Then I stopped worrying about the headaches and I very rarely get them now so had forgotten about my stash.

He confiscated them but gave them back to me on the way out.

Meanwhile in the chapel at the end of the service I was about to congratulate the chaplain on a good sermon when she said, "You're not allowed to wear flip-flop type sandals in here." I've been wearing the same style sandals into prison for years and years.

I am convinced she doesn't like me, and not just because of that, but other occurrences. I find that if people don't like you the only time they talk to you is for negative reasons.

I could go all bitter and twisted now about a former boss but I won't. I'll show you a double-headed poppy from the garden.

Thankfully I'm now in Zac's where I am valued, where every person is valued. Not for what we do or don't do, but because we are made in God's image and deserving of respect. (And, yes, I know I struggle with some people but I'm human not perfect, and I'm working on it.)

P.S. In reply to Debra's comment on the blog, apparently, if you're wearing flip-flops, and you go into a cell - which I don't - the prisoner could stamp on your foot and take your keys and - I don't know - maybe hold you hostage while you're hopping about with a bad foot. But also apparently sandals with a heel strap - which the chaplain was wearing - don't count.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Why would flip-flop sandals be outlawed?

Boud said...

What were you supposed to wear, Army boots? Sounds like jelly happening.

Anvilcloud said...

Two paracetamols and a few more?! You drug pusher.

As for the chaplain, I think she might need a little divine grace, but I guess thaT IS NOT HER cHRISTAIN GIFT. (capslock, sorry)

Kathy G said...

Hubby has gone into a prison to help lead a retreat, and it's amazing the things they do not allow in. For example, those OTC drugs could be used as currency among the prisoners.

Ann said...

That flip flop rule sounds silly. A prisoner could stomp hard enough on your foot no matter what you're wearing and get the same reaction.