Thursday, May 16, 2024

Fal de rol

I have free time. I'm not used to this.

Yes, I could do spring cleaning or decluttering or any number of useful things, but let's say they don't exist. So I have free time. 

I should be promoting my book, indeed, books, but I don't have the enthusiasm. I could continue writing the novel I'm halfway through, but I'm feeling disillusioned. So I think, "Why don't you dig out novel 2 and publish that, just to have a copy to put on your shelf?" (Having given up all ideas of book selling.)

It took me a while to find it in my erratic filing system but I brought it up and began reading it. And I think it's good. It's in a very different style from my normal, a more serious novel.

It was rejected by several agents and publishers (back in 2013) but I still like it. In fact, I'm quite impressed. So impressed I think I might send it to a publisher again. Back in 2013 they didn't say yes but they didn't say no either. What they said was, "We're still considering it."

They never told me it had been rejected so I think I'm justified in sending it again. It'll probably be different people and who knows what they'll think. 

I had another possibly interested publisher but the female editor left and the new man didn't like it. 

Because I don't expect it to be accepted I won't be disappointed. (Nah, of course I will.) But what the heck, nothing ventured, nothing gained and other such sayings. 

* * * * *

Today I have been out for lunch with Daughter and Daughter-in-law. We went to the Wildflower Cafe, which is also a garden centre. It is much done up and enlarged since my last visit, and I was tempted by several plants, but decided I'd check some out outline first to look for other - I was going to say colours but I was looking specifically at a lilac and they are, I suppose, lilac. (Although Daughter has a white one.)

It was so sunny we were able to sit outside to eat.


jabblog said...

It's so nice to sit outside to eat, especially when someone else has done the preparation.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Yes, send that manuscript around to publishers again -- nothing ventured, nothing gained, as they say!

Ann said...

Yes, go for it and try to get the book published again. What have you got to lose?

Kay G. said...

I am reading the autobiography of Agatha Christie.It's great! Why am I just now reading it? I have always liked her books.Anyway,when she first wrote stories, they were rejected and she just kept them for a bit and submitted them later. Guess I don't have to say what a success she was! She has a lot to say about a great many things, but the way that she talks about her style of writing, I found very interesting. Such a sensible, kind woman- I really like her.

Boud said...

Get the MS out again. There will be different people there now, better chance.

Anvilcloud said...

Sue's sister was here this week for a book club. She is published. I'll probably post about it some time.