Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Did I say obsessed?

Finished my jigsaw this morning.

How many do you remember? How many still exist?

* * * * *
We celebrated yet another birthday in Zac's last night.

And we're trying out a new recipe for lunches in Zac's so today I made a big pan of rich tomato and bacon sauce ready for sausages to be added tomorrow.

Now it seems to be a sunny afternoon so I shall sit and read in the garden for a little while. (Long while.)


Boud said...

Milk tray and kitkat are the only ones I know. I wonder if a lot of new wrapped candy was invented after I left? What I missed, doesn't bear thinking of.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

We don't get all the British confectionaries here in Canada, but I do recognize Milk Tray, Kit Kat, Smarties and After Eight Mints.

jabblog said...

I remember many of those and how some of them changed their names.

Ann said...

I didn't look real close but I did recognize Kit Kat and Smarties. Although here in the US smarties didn't come in a box.

Cop Car said...

I only got a hit on Tootie Frootie and Kit Kat. Kit Kats are still around, here in the States, but I only reacted to Tootie Frootie because it sounds like Little Richard's "Tutti Frutti" recording. Cadbury is still around, but I think the names on the wrappers of its products have changed (or are different here, at least).

acorn hollow said...

My husband is the puzzle lover not me. But kudos it looks hard.
sauce sounds interesting.