Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Creative anxiety and procrastination

I keep forgetting to post this. It's a talk by Fredrik Backman, one of my favourite authors. It's only four minutes and it's well worth it.


Boud said...

Very funny! I've read his books, but didn't realize he could have a career in standup. If he ever gets around to it.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Absolutely hilarious! And what a nice note he ended on.

Ann said...

That was funny. Now I want to read one of his books.

Abby said...

Thanks for sharing. I'm going to check out some of his books.

Terra said...

This is a very funny talk, I hope everyone watches it. He has a gift for humor and poking fun at himself.

jabblog said...

The Swedes have an ill-deserved reputation for being dour and humourless. I really enjoyed his talk - thank you:-)

Liz Hinds said...

He is a wonderful writer, and seems like a good human being too!