Thursday, May 02, 2024

Big yellow triangle

I made the mistake of investigating one of the variety of adverts on Facebook for 'Lose weight easily at home with these simple exercises'. Now I'm inundated with them. Walk Yourself Thin, Five Minutes a Day, Wall Pilates, Chair Pilates, Do This One Exercise a 100 times a day, etc etc.

First of all I found out that most of them involve paying for your personalised chart. It doesn't mention that in the adverts though it should be obvious, and probably is to most thinking people. Then, once you've peeped beyond the portals they have you in their sights and nag you.

I think I've learned my lesson now but this advert did make me smile:

PILATES at Home Challenge: 

If anything would hook me in it would be the last one! Although the other two are quite attractive as well. They know their target market.

To be fair, ten minutes of concentrated exercise a day would be good for me and isn't much to commit to, but I know I wouldn't. 

But I've noticed recently I'm hearing on the media about people dying and several have been in their 70s. If someone dies in their 50s or even 60s, people shake their heads and say, "Too young," but in their 70s there's not the same sense of taken too soon.

But I'm 71 and I'm nowhere near ready to die. 

And on a different topic, does anyone else regularly, I might even say constantly, type t and h in the wrong order? The, their, there, become hte, hteir, and htere. It drives me mad.

I was going to put a photo on now to brighten up the post but my phone's got a big yellow triangle with an exclamation mark on it! Don't know what that means but it doesn't sound good.


Marie Smith said...

The seventies sounds like a good age except when you are there.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Isn't "Big Yellow Triangle" a song by Joni Mitchell?

jabblog said...

Isn't 70 the new 50? As for typing letters in the wrong order, I'm always doing it. In fact, my fingers have a will of their own.

Kathy G said...

My typing skills have really gone downhill. Thank goodness for spellcheck and Auto Correct.

Boud said...

To me the seventies are kids! And I routinely hit g for h. So tgere!

Abby said...

I heard someone say that talking yourself out of working out counts as resistance training. Whatever works.

i haven't noticed swapping letters while typing, but my capitalization has gone downhill.

Ole phat Stu said...

Liz I will be 80 next month and the upsetting thing about old age is the permanent pain. Everything else is peanuts in comparison.

Ann said...

I keep trying to convince myself that committing 10=15 minutes a day to exercise isn't that much. Then I tell myself I'll start tomorrow. Of course when tomorrow gets here it becomes today so I'm still waiting to start tomorrow.

Anvilcloud said...

I reverse letters all of the time. More on comments that when I am actually compositing a post, but still, there it is. And I still cannot usually type monring, er mroning.