Monday, May 27, 2024

All by myself

I was gardening but kept hearing the whistle from the little trains so I had to go on them. All the local grandchildren are too old now - or too old to be seen with Granny on the trains so I was all by myself. I don't care. I went on twice with a big smile on my face each time. 

It's run by the local steam engine society and only opens to the public on Bank Holidays. The track runs behind our road but doesn't quite run alongside our garden.

The second time around I was the only one who whoop-whooped in the tunnels.


Anvilcloud said...

That was the right thing to do. :)

Marie Smith said...

Sounds like fun!

Kathy G said...

How fun!

Boud said...

Fun gran!! I'd have gone with you.

Abby said...


Ann said...

How fun. I would have rode too.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

What a lovely photo of your smiling face! If I were there, I'd ride on that fun little train too!

Liz Hinds said...

Next Bank Holiday, you should all come from all over the world and ride on our little trains!