Tuesday, March 12, 2024

When melting chocolate goes wrong


I put it in the microwave to melt and popped out to the washing line. When I re-entered the kitchen it was to smoke and a strange smell. 

It was very impressive, like lots of little volcanoes, as it turned to ashes.

* * * * *

For Lent I've been trying to put  'Jesus said' quote up on the Zac's Facebook page every day. I haven't always managed it, just because of life, but when I have I've discovered that, though Jesus said a lot of brilliant things, he rarely said anything about whatever happens to be on my mind that particular day.

So yesterday I was going to write about hope - following the raising and crushing of it in the rugby on Sunday - but he didn't say anything specifically about hope, not in an easy quotable way. Ditto today. I was thinking about motherless children and, again, not a lot about mothers and what there is just makes it complicated. 

When his mother and brothers were outside a house Jesus was teaching in they sent a message in saying they were there. Jesus responded saying, "Who are my mother and brothers?"

A bit harsh! So I had to come up with a positive take on it. There are plenty of quotes about orphans in the Old Testament and the letters but I didn't want to use those. Tomorrow I will find a quote first and then think of something intelligent to say about it. (Or something not stupid. With the 'who is my mother?' quote I was all ready to do an angry mam post. "Who'd he think he is? I went through merry hell having him and this is the thanks I get." And so on. But not all people appreciate my sense of humour.)


Boud said...

Get the idea guidance from scriptures instead looking for them to agree with you? What a concept!

Liz Hinds said...

Ground-breaking, isn't it, Boud?!

Kathy G said...

Your chocolate looks ruined, but in a very artistic way.

Marie Smith said...

Oh I have lost chocolate that way too. It is easy to get absorbed in something else and forget about the chocolate.

Anonymous said...

His ELDER brothers????

Chris said...

Omgosh, you could have had a fire. I was very suspicious of Micro waves when they were first out, now ours is so complicated I let hubby play with it.