Thursday, March 07, 2024

Fashion tip no. 45

According to the hundreds of Facebook clips I trawl through mindlessly this is how the stylish woman wears her jumpers.

With a bit at the front tucked in. Admittedly the women in the clips always look a bit neater than this but you get the general idea.

I went to Zac's this morning dressed like this, expecting to be acclaimed for my suddenly stylish appearance. No-one even noticed. Or perhaps they did but didn't like to mention my jumper was tucked in my trousers. Probably thought it was simply another case of me not being able to dress myself properly.

Though I jest, it does make a difference I think. Or am I simply worn down by the videos?

Follow me for more style-defying hints.*

* * * * *

Currently enjoying Eligible by Curtis Sittenfeld, as recommended by Boud. The fact that it's Pride and Prejudice in a modern-day setting lifts it above the 'another rich man romance'. Along with some very good writing.

"He's a lawyer in Atlanta, and he's very active in his church," Mrs Bennett said. "If that's not the description of a man looking for a wife, I don't know what is."

Also continuing to enjoy, on kindle, the adventures of the Provincial Lady.

* Elder Son tells me, "french tuck mum, timeless". 


Angela said...

It's called a French tuck. But you need the right top and a flat stomach (or wear Spanx) and ideally long leg and youth on your side.
So for many of us it just doesn't work, and we look untidy rather than chic. On the advice of my wise daughters, I now wear shirts with just the hem tucked in the waist and all round, so the surplus fabric holds and drapes loosely at hip level. That works better for me (small, short legs, dumpy gran, young at heart trying not to look frumpy)

Boud said...

It looks as if the wearer got interrupted as she was dressing. I didn't realize this is a thing.

I'm glad you're enjoying the reading. It's always nice to recommend a book and have other people enjoy it as a result.

jabblog said...

I've never been fashionable and I'm not going to start now. Anyway, that look wouldn't suit me, trust me.

Ann said...

I fail to get the whole tuck just a part of the top in. This could explain why i'm not very fashionable.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

I'm so far out of the loop fashion-wise that I too would not have recognized your cool and trendy way of wearing your sweater in a French tuck. You have educated me today!

Marie Smith said...

Fashion was never a concern for me. Clean and comfortable has always been my fashion.