Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Cake and peace, man

There's a young boy in whose life I have been involved in one way or another since he was born. I asked him what he wanted for his birthday. He said, "A cake and a hug."

It's a game controller in case you're wondering why I made a moustachioed man face!

* * * * *

And another utility box, this time from a student area.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

You are very talented at baking and decorating special occasion cakes! As they say on the Great British Bake Off, that's a "showstopper!"

Abby said...

I bet he's going to love that cake!

jabblog said...

That's perfect for an 11-year-old. What a sweet request, too.

Ann said...

What a fun cake.
I like that quote on the utility box.

Kathy G said...

Good job on the cake!

Anvilcloud said...

I've found a mystery set in Wales -- an Inspector Warlow. I guess it's self-published (Kindle), but it has my interest. I'm on the second book already.

Boud said...

You're a good mam, making that cake for your young involvee. He must love you in his life. Probably takes it quite for granted, with any luck.