Monday, March 18, 2024

An eventful morning

The stroll and ice cream improved my back enormously so I was able to get to exercise class this morning. I was working on the theory that stretching would be good for me, but I determined to take it easy.

That didn't last long obviously. I was soon skipping about as usual but I did go carefully doing the back leg lunge-type things.

Then on my way back to the car I saw a woman pick something off the floor. It was a baby sparrow. It seemed lopsided and was struggling to fly - except straight down. I offered to take it to the vet's on my way home.

We put it very gently into Husband's hat that happened to be in the car and I talked reassuringly to it on the way. So magical were my words that when I got it out in the car park at the vet's it flew away. While I was pleased to see it wasn't badly injured I am left with the concern that it's far away from its mummy now and wonder what its chances of survival are. Silly little bird.


Anvilcloud said...

It is hard to know what to do.

jabblog said...

I don't know what the flight distances of sparrows are or their territorial range. Hopefully, it will have learnt not to play dead again.

Marie Smith said...

You tried! Sometimes that’s all we can do.

Ann said...

aw, poor little bird