Friday, March 08, 2024

A day late

Following our chat over ice cream on Monday, Vivien sent me the link to a conference where I could learn about funding, sponsorship, and general networking opportunities.

To have to go somewhere, walk up to and introduce myself to strangers, with an eye on the money is my idea of a bad dream, but, as a new trustee of an organisation that is going to need some serious funding if the building work is to happen, I took a deep breath and booked myself a ticket.

Special last-minute arrangements had to be made to get people to cover part of my shift in Zac's so I could leave early today and go to the event, and all was going well . . . until this morning when I discovered the conference was yesterday.

In my defence the email about the event wasn't very clear. It didn't give a date - at least not obviously - but did say at one point, "to celebrate International Women's Day on 8th March." So that must have been where I got the idea from. You'd think I might have noticed though when I booked a ticket . . .

I also missed World Book Day yesterday so didn't take the opportunity to plug my books.

So instead of a conference I took Toby to Crawley Woods. I was in need of some sea air and nature. A quick gallop through the dunes is enough to perk anyone up.

The only bad thing about Crawley Woods is the number of steps back up the hill. One hundred and eighteen to be precise.

But I certainly got my fresh sea air. Everyone else on the beach - all three of them - wore coats, hats and hoods. 


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Too bad you missed the conference! Bad marketing on their part not to have been explicit and clear about when it was going to occur.

Liz Hinds said...

I think so too, Debra. Couldn't possibly be my mistake!

Boud said...

No, unheard of for you to get it a bit wrong. I blame it on the French tuck.

Spare Parts and Pics said...

Those ocean dunes look magical!

Ann said...

Too bad about missing the conference. The walk looks like more fun though.

Anvilcloud said...

I would require very clear messaging.

Tom said...

...I love the sand dune!