Sunday, February 11, 2024


Instant frustration.

My good idea was to remove all page numbers and start again. 

Click Remove Page Numbers. Nothing happens. 

Go to Footer Section, manually delete number 1. 

Return to Insert Page Number

Page numbers 2 onwards appear but nothing on page 1.

Wonder if page 1 really needs a number? Could start a new trend. Beginning on page 2.

Have managed to remove all page numbers. Now to start again.

Helped by a youtube tutorial I've done it. I think I love Kevin Stratvert. ( I tried using Microsoft's instructions and failed miserably.) Although even with his brilliant video I had to keep stopping and starting and redoing, and trying again. And a lot of, "Wait, stop! What did you say?"

It's a good job I don't drink. I'd have been hitting the bottle long ago.


Boud said...

Don't you have a grandchild to do this? They'd probably make short work of it.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

I congratulate you on your perseverance. I would have given up long ago. I have very little patience with tech difficulties.

Janie Junebug said...

This sort of thing drives me nuts. I drink once or twice a year. If I had to fix page numbers on my own, it would definitely turn into one of my times to drink.


Tasker Dunham said...

Don't tell me! The hours and hours I must have spent with MS Word.