Sunday, February 11, 2024

Too low to hang

After church this morning I joined everyone for their regular tea and biscuits in the church hall. Interesting conversation with two gentlemen about rugby that somehow led us on to nuclear war via Boris Johnson and tall man's old physics teacher who flew Lancaster bombers. I was delighted to discover that the tall elderly man thinks just like me. Always nice when you don't have to censor what subjects you can talk about. As we were contemplating a nuclear winter I said, "And on that cheerful note, I'd better be off," to which the one tall man said, "Yes, I'm off to hang myself in the garage."

He hurried to reassure us that the garage was too low for him to hang himself. I'm not sure I'm totally reassured by a comment that suggests he'd checked.

Now trying to decide whether to do a little gardening. It is dry - briefly - and according to the email from the roses people it's time to get pruning. 

My daffs have flowered! They have perked up again after being battered by the week's rains.

Oh and when I came home from church I had to look up psalm 102, which was read this morning. I was convinced Monty, the pastor, had said, "My balls are glowing like burning embers."

Knowing Monty he might have said that but it's actually bones.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Good thing you double-checked that psalm!

Chris said...

Interesting Pastor who might have said 'balls' ha ha.. our daffs are flowering after all the rain too, I dared complain because when it was too hot in the summer I moaned as plants dried up.

Anvilcloud said...

I love seeing the daffs. Now, about your hearing ... 😊

Janie Junebug said...

Balls are more fun. Tennis balls, squeaky balls for dogs to play with, red rubber balls for children's games, all sorts of balls . . .


Ole phat Stu said...

That maybe why Leviticus 28 11 was written???

Ann said...

I'm curious as to how he was hanging himself in the garage.