Thursday, February 22, 2024

The post I shouldn't write

I feel fat, my hair's a mess, and I'm cross with myself because I've wasted an hour flicking through Facebook videos. I'm writing one book and trying to publish and promote another and I'm wondering why as my sales numbers never get out of two figures. And I shouldn't be writing this post because it's depressing.

Now, it's okay because I know this mood will dissipate soon. I've made a hair appointment and I'm about to start work on the book side. So all that will help. Indeed, writing it down helps me - though it may bore readers - as it spurs me into action, and reminds me of previous occasions I've felt like this.

And I've just had an email telling me Eligible, the book I ordered on Boud's recommendation, is ready for me at the library. As is The Trial by Robert Rinder. Can't remember who recommended that but I must have seen good reviews somewhere.

And I can almost translate the Welsh version of the email from 'y llyfrgell'.

Also last night my first attempt at Chicken Parmigiana was successful.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Feeling discouraged hits us all sometimes. Sorry you're feeling down and I hope it passes soon.

PipeTobacco said...

Feeling frustrated sometimes is normal. I suspect you book sales are not where you would like because people are not FINDING your work. I truly think if there were techniques you could figure out to get folks more aware of your writings….. sales would skyrocket! You are very good!!

Are there promotional ways you could try that are different than what you have used previously? I do not know much of what is out there currently to help in promotion, but I would bet there are some new ways to get folks more aware that weren’t around even five years ago.


Ole phat Stu said...

Liz, neither you nor I will ever be top of the lists authors. My bestselling book peaked at 15000 copies. The worst didnt make beyond 500. Discouraging but true. So I turned to blogging and have stuck with that.

Boud said...

I think you'll weather this. It might be related to the season, late winter, that.

Abby said...

Happens to us all. This too shall pass.

Ann said...

Yep, I think we all feel that way at one time or another.