Tuesday, February 13, 2024

She shoots, she scores!

In the wheelbarrow. Which would have been good had we been playing Throw the Ball in the Wheelbarrow. But we were playing table tennis.

GrandDaughter2 was with us for the day. We played a memory game (we drew), made fairy potions, played darts (she scored more than me), played table tennis (equally bad), had lunch in McDonald's, did crystal art (need good eyesight), and played more table tennis.
Our fairy potions

Sitting in the back of the car GrandDaughter2 giggled. "I farted," she said. "Can you smell it?"
Sometimes having a really bad sense of smell is useful.

* * * * *
Today is a quiet day. We have cakes that need to be used in Zac's so I don't even have to cook. So I can concentrate on writing. 

I've noticed my podcast (me reading my first novel, This Time Next Year) is getting a few more listeners - and for more than just the first episode. I feel a good marketer/promoter would build on this but I have no idea how to. So researching that is one thing on my list.

Getting my novel ready for self-publishing and again thinking about promoting is also on my list. It turns out just writing a novel, publishing it, and mentioning it a few times on social media doesn't drive sales. 

I have stalled a bit on work-in-progress as I couldn't work out how to get where I wanted to without a terrific stretch of the imagination (for the readers that is). But I think Uncle Bill may be the way forward. If that's his name. So, that's on my list too.

The question is: where to start?

Ooh, it's 11 o'clock. Time for a cup of tea. Maybe that will inspire me.
(And that's why everything takes me so long.)


Debra She Who Seeks said...

I'm curious about what is in those fairy potions!

Boud said...

Maybe mention the novel on your Twitter account? Some of us still stop by occasionally. Or open a regular podcast channel? I don't know how to find you unless I search around in here.

You sound like the fun grandma!

Liz Hinds said...

I couldn't possibly tell you, Debra. It would be breaking the fairy code.

Yes, I'm trying to remember to keep plugging away in all social media, Boud. But I get distracted very easily.

Ann said...

Sounds like fun with the granddaughters. I'm laughing at her telling you she farted.