Thursday, February 08, 2024

On the rebound

I'd hope to walk a dog today but the weather is absolutely dreadful so, on the spur of the moment, I attended a rebound class.

There were about 12 of us in the class including one man whom I was convinced was Mark Drakeford, currently Wales' First Minister in the Senedd. (It wasn't. I asked him afterwards.) All middle-aged or older so I knew I'd fit in.

What was it like? It was okay. Harder than I'd anticipated - partly because of co-ordination, or rather lack of, and fear of flying off the trampoline (though we had support handles at the front we could grab onto if we needed.) My calves began burning after the first two exercises and I was just getting into it when the class ended. It was only half an hour, which I hadn't realised. So, at £8, quite expensive for 30 minutes.

Next week I'm hoping to try out a flexercise class. My mornings are quite busy so my choice of classes is rather restricted. I've noticed they also have dancercise classes in Mumbles so I'll investigate those too. I need some more exercise in my week and my plans to find routines to do at home never amount to anything. I need a set time and a class to make me work. Yes, I could go to the gym with Husband but a class is more fun.

* * * * *
My Welsh-born Italian baby is five today, and it's carnival time so in her school they have a day of treats and fun, and she'll be wearing one of her many princess dresses. Here she is from our holiday in Italy last September.

Happy birthday, Gorgeous Girl! 


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Your granddaughter is such a cutie! Five years old -- that's a special age!

Anvilcloud said...

I remember having one of those. I think we donated it to a nursery school a long time ago.

Abby said...

Hmmm... rebound class. I've not done an exercise class in a loooooooong time, but "enjoy" going to the gym. Home workouts and me don't mix.
What a cutie pie princess!

Boud said...

She's lovely. And I want her costume. I think your classes would be fun in costume.

Kathy G said...

I've never heard of a trampoline class, but it sounds like fun.

Ann said...

What a little cutie she is

Marie Smith said...

Happy birthday to your precious girl!

Liz Hinds said...

Thanks all. As expected calves burning today.