Wednesday, February 21, 2024

New resolution

I must stop writing notes on scraps of paper.

I either lose the paper or find it months later and wonder what it's about. That said my notes for last night's study were so disorganised I didn't even know what the things I'd written meant. As a result I had no choice but to be relaxed about the whole evening because I knew I'd have to wing it. And I was the 'only lady in the village'. (Cue jokes from Zac's regulars about what lady.)

But back to scrap notes. When I ordered the food for the week I made a rough menu plan. Today I find I have chicken breasts in the fridge but can't remember what I was going to do with them. When I eventually find the piece of paper it's not helpful; it simply says: chicken x 2.

Also spent ages looking for some emails before I remembered I'd made a special folder in my Inbox for them.


Boud said...

It's the curse of the semi organized! Make notes, baffled later. Make folder, baffled later. How did it go at Zac's?

Anonymous said...

I do the same with recipes I jot the recipe down on anything I can get my hands on and never write what it is on the top like coffee cake,muffins etc.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

I too am a note writer, so you are definitely not alone, and the trick is remembering why the note was written and also that it is not misplaced as often happens with my own.

Ann said...

I do the same thing with notes.

Anvilcloud said...

Can't you make a note of where your notes are?
I didn't think so.

Liz Hinds said...

Boud, thanks for asking. Zac's went okay. A small number but good interaction.

Glad I'm not the only one with this problem!