Wednesday, February 07, 2024

Bobby Charlton, a gorilla, and three monkeys

A didn't turn up, B turned out to be my nemesis, C left in a strop before the study began, and Bobby Charlton, a gorilla, and three monkeys all made an appearance.

So that was bible study.

When we got to the three monkeys my patience, which had been tested, was beginning to wear thin, and I'm afraid it might have showed but not to the person it was aimed at. Still got a way to go in self-control.

Apparently the very idea of me as an angry woman is funny. My suggestion that I could be ferocious made everyone laugh, and I had to admit it's one of the few sins I'm not good at.

The study was okay but not brilliant because I'd tried to cover so much 'just in case' that my focus was probably a bit lost. But it's done and I can relax for a few weeks now.

Cake went down well though.


Boud said...

There's always the cake! I expect it all went better than you think.

Anvilcloud said...

What was B's issue, and why was C in a strop?

Ann said...

Always good when we can put things in the past