Sunday, February 11, 2024

Any friend of convolvulus . . .

is an enemy of mine.

Sorry, daisies, you had to go. 

In my brief gardening stint I dug up the remaining daisies around the roses. I like the daisies, they're very pretty, but they're also widespread in their growing habits, providing a perfect hiding place for convolvulus creepers to wind their way in and up and around my roses.  So they had to go. Not that the roses showed any gratitude as they grabbed and stabbed me.

I did some pruning too. Hope and pray the roses survive my attentions. I did plant some lavender in between them because apparently they get on well.

I showed off my daffs in the last post. Here are my long-necked, sad-looking crocuses.

I talk a lot to myself when gardening. Out loud.

Now please send me positive vibes. I'm going to try and number the pages in my would-be book again.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

A gardener must sometimes be ruthless.

Ann said...

I would love to have flowers planted around my house but I'm terrible with plants and they would die in no time.