Tuesday, February 13, 2024

A little Superb Owl


Quite a successful day today. (It's not often you hear me say that!)

I did a little marketing for my previously-published books and podcast. Or did I? Definitely for the books but did I stop midway doing the podcast promo? Must check.

Written a bit on my work-in-progress. Again mostly copied from previous version but with a few extras.

And I've successfully uploaded my latest novel to the self-publishing site and it's all ready for me to press publish. Except I'm not happy with the first paragraph so need to change that. I've also booked a blog tour for this novel. I think I will do a quiet launch beforehand as I've left it so late to book that the blog tour won't be until late April. 

Then again, it might take me that long to come up with an opening paragraph I like.

In Zac's tonight but not leading, didn't have to make cake, and not in charge of opening up. A cushy evening. 

Wah, it's Lent tomorrow. Had plans for weekly/daily thoughts, and /or giving up chocolate and cake, but I'm not mentally prepared. I need to psyche myself up for something as major as that.

Will go and think about it - or possibly watch an episode of Call the Midwife.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

From now on, I'm always going to refer to the Super Bowl as the Superb Owl, lol.

Boud said...

I love Moose and his take

Kathy G said...

It sounds like a very productive day.

Anvilcloud said...

What is a blog tour?

Liz Hinds said...

AC, it's a bit like a book tour to get publicity for a book but done online. A number of book bloggers will post reviews of my book, or Q&As on a few consecutive days so the book is being brought to people's attention.

Ann said...

Always feels good to have a productive day

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Good luck, Liz, with the work in progress and that opening paragraph will surely let you know what works best. I have never published anything other than blog postings, which are definitely not the same as a book. However, I usually write and then revise before and even after posting. And, a blog tour was something new to myself as well, so thanks for the explanation above in answer to AC.