Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Yum, yum, in my tum

In Zac's this morning making the meat base for cottage pie.

And, as we'd been given a load of butternut squashes, I made some soup too.
Then started a new jigsaw this afternoon.

I was wondering why it is that I feel guilty about sitting down on a Wednesday afternoon doing a jigsaw.

I concluded it's because I've never had to work hard in my life so that is what I really feel guilt about. 

By the way, those blueberry muffins were very very good. In Zac's yesterday evening we shared a communion meal of bread, soup and cheese, plus someone brought in some home-made welshcakes, so not many of my muffins got eaten. Such a shame. I had to bring them home with me. I would have left them there for the homeless lunches on Thursday but we all know muffins don't keep well . . .


Abby said...

I'm not sure what cottage pie is, but it looks quite hearty!
I feel a bit guilty sitting down to do a jigsaw, but I have worked hard before. Maybe I feel guilty about not working hard now when I could be.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Well, at least you know for next time that the blueberry muffin recipe is tasty!

Ann said...

Is cottage pie anything like shepherds pie which is ground meat, vegetables and covered with mashed potatoes.

Ole phat Stu said...

Jigsaw news for you in my blog today.

Anvilcloud said...

Whatever the history, you are certainly doing your share now. And it's harder when you're older, so you get extra credit.

Marie Smith said...

The muffins keep well if frozen I expect.

Kathy G said...

You're quite the cook!

Liz Hinds said...

Thanks all. Ann, yes, cottage pie is shepherd's pie made with lamb instead of beef basically.
Marie, they won't last that long! They're nearly gone between Husband and me.

Cop Car said...

Now you've done it - confused me, that is, Liz. I thought shepherd's pie was made with lamb since sheep are the animals that I associate with shepherds. A cook, I am not.