Monday, January 22, 2024

Wil not let them get me down

After lunch I sat at my desk resolved to remain here until I finished the cover for my next novel. Not so much finished it as getting it print-ready. 

I have chosen the size of 5x8", and you'd think it would be fairly straightforward but . . . every app gives me a different 5x8 size. No, I know that doesn't make sense but trust me, it's true.

I had done my final design in Canva (5x8). I imported it into Amazon's self-printing app, and it's too small. That's okay, I think, I can take it into photoshop and adjust it there. But, of course, the image from Canva is downloaded as a group and I can't change different bits of it.

Last week I got very frustrated by it. I think it was partly to blame for my on-off low mood. Hence my determination today to finish it. After trying a variety of get-around-it strategies, I downloaded the Amazon template for a 5x8 book.

Filled in all the bits so it fitted properly, took the image back to Amazon, uploaded it, and it came back saying:  "You chose 5" by 8" trim size but your interior file was submitted at 8.27" by 11.69".

"But you told me I couldn't leave that outside bit blank!!!!"

So I've stopped for a cup of tea and a moan. And to take some headache pills.

In happier news, I spotted the first snowdrops in our garden this morning. 


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Technology can be so frustrating! Good for you for persevering!

Kathy G said...

OY! I'm sure you'll eventually figure it out.

Anvilcloud said...

Snowdrops. Not fair.

Ann said...

How frustrating