Friday, January 19, 2024

The temptation in waiting

Seriously? In a hospital waiting room? Where I have to sit for over an hour? When I'm supposed to be resisting?

I had to have a quick look just in case. Fortunately there was nothing there I fancied.

I had to wait while Husband had a lump removed from the side of his ear. He came out bandaged-up and looking like a rugby player who's been at the bottom of a ruck (or is that maul?) - but I'm not allowed to post a photo. He has to wait six weeks now for test results.

So that was my morning.

Lovely mural on the wall near the entrance of the hospital.

I was the only one in the waiting room reading a book. Others may have been reading on their phones of course. Just about everyone was on a phone. Wonderful book by the way. Only started this morning and already love it. The Door to Door Bookstore, translated from German.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Wishing a speedy recovery and good results for your husband.

Anvilcloud said...

At least it looks less sterile than our hospital waiting rooms.

Boud said...

Hoping for undramatic test results! This looks like my car dealership more than my hospital. Which tells you about the social importance of the car in this society.

Marie Smith said...

I am always one of the few not on a phone anywhere I go! Book in hand too!

Ann said...

Hope all tests come back with good results. Love that mural

Liz Hinds said...

Thank you all