Sunday, January 21, 2024

Talking solo

I was talking to a man this morning, or rather, he was talking to me.

When I managed to get a word in edgeways he didn't listen to what I said. 

I talked to someone else who didn't respond to me but that was for a different reason: I don't think she likes me. The man was just rude? Misogynistic? Arrogant?

Anyway, I've had a good clear out of clothes this afternoon. Was ruthless and have a large bag ready for the charity shop. And exercise class starts back tomorrow. Did I tell you I have bought a skort? A combined shorts short skirt outfit. In bright pink. 

I've also watched an episode of The Crown, the one leading up to Diana's death. And it's still only half past two in the afternoon. I feel as if I've lived a whole day.

* * * * *

The Door to Door Bookstore
by Carsten Henn

Loved this book. Every evening Carl delivers books to his customers. He knows each customer by the literary name he has given them. Carl is precise and controlled in everything he does until he meets a little girl who decides to accompany him on his rounds. Then life begins to change. For everyone.

It's currently 99p for the ebook on Amazon


Boud said...

The man might have been on the spectrum, nothing personal.

Marie Smith said...

The Barbie theme in the skort puts you in style!

Abby said...

Misogynistic? Arrogant? On the spectrum?Just plain rude? The possibilities are endless.
I like a good skort, but have yet to get one for myself. Not sure I could rock the pink.

Liz Hinds said...

Boud, I don't think so. There's nothing else to suggest it.
I am such a trend-setter, Marie and Abby!

Anvilcloud said...

Some people are like that. He may or may not be a misogynist. But he sure could be.

Cop Car said...

So, skorts are making a comeback?! I wore them a lot back in the 1980s when I was in my 40s but hadn't thought much about them since then. Post photos!

acorn hollow said...

Was either of them hard of hearing? maybe just rude
I need to do a closet cleanout I have once but it is time again.

Kathy G said...

I am a big fan of skorts for warm weather, especially if they have pockets to hold my phone.

Terra said...

It is always good to have a clear out. No matter how much I clear out, more seems to arrive. Perhaps things sneak in to my house? The book you review looks fun.

Ann said...

I know a few people who are talkers like that and don't listen to what you say if you get to say anything.