Saturday, January 27, 2024

Star struck

When you're in the supermarket and find yourself next to a rugby legend and you get star-struck, and stage-whisper, out of the corner of your mouth, to Husband, "It's Colin Charvis!" (Ex Wales rugby captain and once the second most hated man in Wales.*)

He ended up behind us in the queue to pay too and I still couldn't think of anything to say. For which he was probably grateful.

Anyway that was our excitement for the day. I'd forgotten to do an order so Husband and I had a little trip out. Yes, to the supermarket but still. One of the few times I've been big food-shopping since lockdown began and I discovered online ordering. I knew about it before but wasn't organised enough to do it until lockdown and then I got into the habit.

But Husband and I are both feeling a little pathetic today. I feel I should be doing something but lack enthusiasm. Husband at least has the excuse of a sewn-up ear; I'm just . . . I don't know what. I'm not obviously worrying about his biopsy results but I guess it's there under the surface all the time. And January seems to be lasting for ever.

* * * * *

Yesterday I finally planted the rest of the pansies and daffs I bought a week or so ago. The trouble with me and gardening - apart from the obvious i.e. I have a tendency to kill plants - is that I don't remember what I planted or where. So I'm looking at little shoots and wondering, "Did I plant that? Do I want it here? What is it?"

Then I got cold and went back indoors.

* * * * *

The Betty Crocker muffins were . . . edible. Very quick and easy to make so as we have lots of packets in Zac's we can probably knock out a few. I might try the mixture in a tray rather than individual cakes next time.

Actually they were probably no quicker to make than the proper ones I made on Tuesday - and not half as nice. But we have free packets so we might as well use them.

* He'd gone on holiday instead of playing for Wales when we needed him. In the poll he came second between Saddam Hussain and Osama Bin Laden. We take our rugby seriously in Wales.


Boud said...

Mixes are about as much work as scratch cooking! But if the packages were donated, oh well.
I'm glad you explained who the celeb was!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Thanks for explaining who Colin Charvis is and why he was so unpopular. Has he redeemed himself since then?

Liz Hinds said...

Oh yes, Debra. He soon got back into favour.

Chuck Pergiel said...

Dang forgetfulness. I was going to say something witty, but I forgot what it was.

Anvilcloud said...

We also got pickup during C but I prefer strolling around the store than strolling through the app. Not everyone is as weird as I and enjoys grocery shopping. Enjoy is perhaps stretching it, but I don't mind it all all.