Friday, January 05, 2024

Releasing my inner Barbie

There's a thing you can upload a photo to - please don't tell me how unwise that is - and it will make you over as Barbie or a Viking or any other number of fantasies. 

Obviously I had to go for the Barbie look. A bit 'in your dreams'.

Anyway back to reality. Went for a walk yesterday with young friend.

'Let's walk down Three Cliffs valley," she said. "It'll be nice and flat and we can go to the little village bakery after for coffee and cake."

She was right in one respect: it was nice and flat. The bakery was closed and the path was just a little wet. We walked down one side of the valley then I suggested walking back the other side, "As that'll be drier."

No-one should ever listen to me.

You see the shoes I'm wearing? (Having opted not to wear my walking boots as I had a blister on my heel.) They were yellow when I started. Rolled-up trousers a necessity rather than a fashion statement.

Before I gave up and just plodded through the mud I tried edging along the sides under the - very prickly - trees that kept grabbing me and not letting go. I concluded a mud bath was preferable to strangulation by hawthorn.

When I dropped Elin back at home she said, "Thank you for making me laugh more than I've done for ages." My job here is done.


Tasker Dunham said...

Goodness. The male one makes me look like a spoilt pampered preening perfumed pansy who spends all his time at the hairdresser, surgery, manicurist, and in clothes shops. All things I detest. I've got better things to do - like playing with stupid web sites.

Boud said...

I don't think Barbie ever trudged through mud!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Hmmmm, the plastic fantasy world of Barbie versus the mud and hawthorns of Wales? Hard choice!

Abby said...

Mud-Trudging Barbie!

Kathy G said...

I tried out the Barbie look. Your image came out MUCH BETTER than mine!

Cop Car said...

I'm sorry to have missed your trek. There are times when I need a good laugh and you appear to have produced one, in spades. Glad that your funny bone still works after such a slog!

Anvilcloud said...

You must be a good sport. If you can fun slogging through mud, then you can fun in most places.

Ann said...

Love your Barbie picture.
That would be my luck with the mud.