Thursday, January 25, 2024

Not a cheery post

Had an email yesterday from CND, subject: Doomsday Clock 2024. I should have gone with my first inclination to delete it without reading. 

It says:

On Tuesday, the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists set the Doomsday Clock at 90 seconds to midnight for the second year running. It remains the closest to annihilation from nuclear war since the clock's inception in 1947. 
 The Bulletin said the decision to keep the clock in place reflected “the continued state of unprecedented danger the world faces.” This includes the threat of nuclear exchanges over the war in Ukraine and the escalating crisis in the Middle East; a breakdown in global nuclear arms control; and an unprecedented three-way nuclear arms race between the US, China, and Russia. They noted that all nuclear-armed states were pursuing “extensive modernisation and expansion of nuclear arsenals.”

Cheery days. 

Trump looking set to be the Republican candidate, and me doubting the British public's willingness to vote against the Tories in spite of everything. What is it with people that they're willing to not only put up with but accept dishonesty, corruption, and just plain hatred?

(Shakes self.) Going to try out some Betty Crocker cake mix packets we were given in Zac's, and think cheerier thoughts.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

It's hard not to despair sometimes.

Marie Smith said...

I think these fears are always in the back of my mind though I work to live in the moment. We live in a sad world.

Boud said...

I think the world isn't worse than it used to be. We just know more about it now. Trying to deal with everything bird by bird might be a good way to go.

CherryPie said...

I agree with Boud and add that the easy access to current affairs (and doommongering commentary on it) leads to more anxiety.