Tuesday, January 30, 2024

I have found my vocation

I'm supposed to be preparing to lead bible study tonight in Zac's so I'm baking choc chip cupcakes, playing silly games, and going down wormholes.

Did you know Jesus was probably born about 4 years BC? That's BC, Before Christ. I didn't. Nor did I know that all Jews are Hebrews but not all Hebrews are Jews, which reminds me of a ditty I had to learn in university to help me remember: all tides are waves but not all waves are tides.

We're starting a new series looking at the letter to the Hebrews tonight and I'm introducing it, the research for which has proved great fun. I may not be feeling so jolly later on this evening if one of our quite-regulars turns up. She is a big Torah fan and isn't going to like what I say. (I think I've mentioned her before.) I must remain cool and polite whatever. It could be a challenge. 

Making the cupcakes took me longer than it should have done as I had to double the recipe. That was simple until it came to the bit where it said, "Put 80 ml oil in a jug, add an egg, and fill up with milk to one cup mark."

You would not believe how confused I got between doubling, mls and cups. American cups at that. Anyway, they're done now and they look okay. 

I'm just waiting for Husband to have his lunch and then go into the garage/games room. I have challenged him to a game of darts. I might have to test a cupcake.


I have 48 crib scraps of paper. All I need to do is drop them and the evening could get interesting!

Later again

Two games of darts played. Two games won.

Haven't played for years and then only played for a few years on Friday lunchtime when the people I worked with went to the pub. I think I've mentioned before that I was beaten by a blind man on occasion.

Anyway the first three darts I threw I managed to get a 25! I'm posting a photo because I might never do it again.

We played 301. First game I needed 2 to win. Second dart got it.
Second game I needed 4. First dart got it. 

Husband said he got the duff darts (all new), the duff dartboard - his darts kept bouncing out - and I'd had more practice than him. 

If I took up drinking beer and hanging around pubs I could be a world champion. Maybe.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Clearly, you're a secret darts superstar!

Boud said...

Your husband could do the hanging around and drinking beer while you make a nice living for both of you at competitive darts.

Ole Phat Stu said...

Tides do NOT flow in and out.
The moon and sun pull on the water causing it to heap up (aka high tide)
and at 90° to that, make it shallow.
The Earth then rotates under the heaps and shallow places.

Ann said...

I'm not very good at darts. I'm pretty sure a blind man could beat me.

Cop Car said...

Liz--If you wish to engage Stu in a technical discussion of tides, I refer you to a discussion of the basic concepts at: https://www.oc.nps.edu/nom/day1/partc.html. I'll hold your coats (and learn).

Anvilcloud said...

After the game, she darts off to her meeting.

Liz Hinds said...

Debra, Boud, I'm not convinced!
Stu, no, but tides have a wave motion.
You and me both, ann.
I didn't understand it in university, Copcar, I'm not likely to start now.
Clever, AC.