Monday, January 15, 2024

Alexa, Husband and me

"Morning, Liz."

Alexa has started greeting me. She's done it before on occasion but seems to be making a habit of it now. The only problem is she doesn't differentiate between Husband and me. This morning for example.

"Alexa, what's the time?"
"Good morning, Liz, the time is . . . (whatever it was)."
"Alexa, my name is Mike."
"Alexa, what is my name?"
"This device is registered to Elizabeth Anne."
I interrupt then. "I'm not Elizabeth Anne!"
"She said Elizabeth Hinds."
"Oh. Well, don't give her any more information - although she listens to everything we say anyway so I suppose it doesn't matter."

This new-fangled technology. 

Speaking of which I had to buy a new pressure cooker because the pressure thingy bit had broken on my old one and it was impossible to find a replacement. The new one differs from the old. 

I inherited one from Uncle but I couldn't work out how to use it. I shall have to read the instruction manual carefully with this one.

I don't need it this week as I'm doing my Hello Fresh meals. Last night it was pork meatballs in creamy chive sauce with chips and green beans. Very tasty, a satisfying quantity, and easy to make.
The box all the food came packed in also contained an insulation layer.
"There must be something I can do with this!"
"I'll put it behind a radiator," Husband says.

Good recycling.


Boud said...

My Misfits groceries come with very good insulated bags. I give them to whoever I can, recycle them and use them to ferment yogurt. They keep coming and my uses are limited.

Maybe ask Alexa about your insulation insert??

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

The incident with Alexia was amusing, but also disheartening to know electronic devices are listening 😟 I am amazed when I say something too loud and the Siri on my cell phone chimes in with a response! The Hello Fresh meal looked good.

Anvilcloud said...

I like it when Alexa greets me properly in the morning, and not sometimes in the eve as well. She seems to get me right.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Clearly, Alexa has selected you to be top dog!

Ann said...

Your dinner sure looks tasty

Anonymous said...

Remove Alexa and Siri . cover your laptop camera.

Liz Hinds said...

Anonymous, I know that would be the sensible thing but . . .

Anonymous said...

I have done all I possibly can to nullify Siri on my phone & especially on Hunky Husbands. HH didn’t realize that people were not wanting him to call them - that it was a “suggestion” from Siri. I think I have her bound & gagged on HH’s phone now.