Sunday, December 31, 2023

My year of achieving

I've seen lots of posts on Facebook, or possibly Twitter, where the poster says not to feel bad if you don't have a list of achievements on which to end the year. So I decided to trawl through my blog and come up with my own list of achievements.  

January: I failed to grow what were claimed to be idiot-proof mushrooms.

February: I failed to fit into my shorts and a button popped off. (Still off, still wearing the shorts.)

March: I managed to lose a carrot and a banana. (Never did find the banana.)

April: Everyone in the country was told to expect an emergency alert on their phone. I didn't get one.

May: I tell someone about a ghostly house only to find she lives in it.

June: I finally accept I cannot nor ever have been able to fly.

July: I didn't win a competition to train with rugby superstar, Sam Warburton, in spite of lying about my age.

August: I told a stranger, "I'd be upset too if someone sniffed my bottom."

September: I accused a different stranger of toting a gun.

October: I was surprised when I burned my finger when I retrieved the spoon I'd dropped into a pot of boiling stock not expecting it to be hot.

November: I was cross because the park gate was locked and I had to walk to a different one only to realise I was at the wrong one to begin with.

December: We still have eight hours to go; I don't want to commit myself yet.

How has your year been?


Abby said...

And THIS is why I blog. How else would I know the whats and whens?
Eventful year for you. Happy new one!

Chris said...

Oh dear, your post has made me laugh out loud! Happy New Year and I hope its a Healthy one, and not as eventful as this one has been for you!

Tracy said...

You have just made me giggle. I much prefer to read a list of accomplishments that sound much like my own than the 'climbed Kilimanjaro/attended the coronation/wrote a bestseller' variety! Here's wishing you a very happy 2024.

Boud said...

It sounds like your year of living dangerously! Happy New Year, Liz, Fail Up!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Now THIS is my kind of year-end list! Your self-deprecating humour is very funny and endearing. Enjoy your New Year's Eve!

Kathy G said...

I was going to add what Debra wrote, but she composed it better than I would have :-)

Janie Junebug said...

That's a fine list of achievements. I got in trouble at work more than once, but somehow wasn't fired. I marveled over how dirty my feet would get when I worked out in the yard even though I wore shoes and socks. I didn't run over anyone, accidentally or intentionally. I had my usual collection of bruises and didn't know how I got them. It's fun fun fun to be me.


Anvilcloud said...

Wonderful, humourous post. Especially August.

Happy New Year 🎇