Wednesday, December 06, 2023

Man and dog

This cartoon on Debra's blog reminded me of how I first became aware of the plight of the homeless. I think I'd always felt for them but then, about twenty-something years ago, a short article appeared in the local paper. It went something like this:

The body of a young homeless man was found yesterday on the beach behind County Hall. His only companion, his dog, is being looked after by local residents until a good home can be found for him.

As you know I love dogs but the irony of the article fanned into flames the ember that was already in me and which still burns today for the vulnerable and those who for whatever reason live on the edge of our society, and why I'm so passionate about Zac’s with our tagline is ‘a church for ragamuffins’.


Boud said...

Thank you for living up to it, too.

Ann said...

Makes you wonder. They made sure the dog was looked after but no one thought to make sure the homeless person was looked after before he died.

Anvilcloud said...

Good for you. It's wonderful that you have been able to step up. Some poor souls have such a hard life, and I am not one to think that they deserve it.

Marie Smith said...

Housing is a huge problem here these days. Shelters are at a premium. Thank you for the work you do, Liz.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

What a juxtaposition! Compassion for his dog, but not for him. It spurred you on to do so much good, which is a tribute to that young man, in a way.