Saturday, December 23, 2023

In which everyone has the same idea

"I'm going to get up early and go to Mumbles before I have breakfast to miss the rush."

Husband decides he'd better come with me to drive as he is worried about me driving new mini for the first time. So we set off. Roads are okay so it's looking good.

Until we get to Mumbles. Everyone in the world is in Mumbles.

I leave Husband trying to find a parking spot while I go and do my M&S shopping and say I will meet him at the butcher's. I only need a few things most of which popped into my brain at 5 o'clock this morning.

The shop is so busy they have put arrows on the floor to indicate the way to go. Which is fine until I have to go backwards to get cheese. And then I can't find the way out. 

I eventually go to the self-checkouts and get the machine that doesn't like scanning so by now I am muttering to myself. Finished I head down to the butcher's Husband is near the middle of the queue that trails back in front of five shops. 

Husband is in the queue for an hour. 

Meanwhile I visit charity shops and buy a jigsaw, three books, and Christmas cards for next year. Which I will undoubtedly forget about when the time comes. But they were so lovely.

One of the books I buy is A Surprise Christmas Wedding. Yes, I know I said I was fed up of that sort of book but after the Italian idea of a festive Christmas, I'm giving up. I started the German version last night and it is better as it includes the Elves and the Shoemaker, and the Nutcracker - although that tale is a little strange too.

So now just doing odds and ends and hope to get a sit down at some point!


Anvilcloud said...

I am happy that it is thou and thine experiencing the joy of Christmas throngs. 😊

Debra She Who Seeks said...

EVERYWHERE will be packed for the next 2 days!

Boud said...

It's what happens when Christmas is on a Monday, I suppose, Saturday crowd and Christmas food crowd mysteriously blend into big chaotic crowd.

Janie Junebug said...

I'm working today so I'm not leaving the house, which is a good thing I'm sure.


Kathy G said...

I still have to go to the grocery store and buy salad ingredients. Not looking forward to it.

Ann said...

I didn't go anywhere today. I didn't want to deal with the madhouse that will likely be everywhere.