Wednesday, November 01, 2023

You call this living?

Louie has decided that I sit at the desk too much: he has started eating my chair.

So we went for a walk early this morning. We met two women out walking their dogs. I said, "Good morning."

One of the women said, "What's good about it?"
"Um, we're alive."
"You call this living?"

She couldn't stop Louie and me enjoying our walk though. I even caught a leaf!

When my children were little Mother-in-law told them it was lucky to catch a leaf in October. I don't believe in superstitions but it was a good way to get the children to run around when we were out on walks. Naturally I continued to try to catch a leaf long after they'd grown and left home. 

I don't know if you've ever tried but it's hard. As you run towards the leaf the draught you create changes its course. Leaves were falling all around today so, even though it's not October, I felt obliged to try and catch one. 

Full disclosure: I didn't catch the one I was trying to catch. In fact I only realised I had caught one when I felt something damp on my hand.

Yesterday evening at about five forty-five there was a knock at the door. I panicked. I'd forgotten to buy any sweets. We live in an older-peopled area, with few children around so it's not often that we get trick or treaters thankfully. I think only once or twice in all the years we've lived here - possibly partly because we turn out all the lights and the path is quite dark. I have sometimes bought sweets but then we end up having to eat them ourselves. Such hardship. (I make sure I buy the sort of chocolate sweets I like.)

So, anyway, last night I rummaged in the pantry and came up with some rice krispie cereal bars. They would have to do; at least they weren't Weight-watchers bars, which is all I'd had one year. I opened the door prepared to take my chances. . . and it was a delivery man.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

I hope you gave the deliver guy a rice krispie treat, LOL! Sounds like you ran into a real pessimist while dog-walking. Downers like that are a pain.

Kathy G said...

I've never heard of catching a leaf for good luck. Even though October's past I will have to try it.

Ole phat Stu. said...

I dont believe in superstitions, wrote the theist. Hilarious.

Ann said...

Sounds like that woman you spoke to got up on the wrong side of the bed.
Did you give the rice krispies bar to to the delivery man?

Liz Hinds said...

I sort of offered the krispie bar to him but then realised I might still need it!
Do try, Kathy, and tell me how you get on.
As I wrote that bit of the post, Stu, I thought of you and knew what you'd say!

Anvilcloud said...

When we have leaves again next year, I( must try to catch one. Sounds like fun.