Wednesday, November 29, 2023

The wrong cake

Yesterday I made a sultana malt bread to take to Zac's in the evening. Before leaving the house I sliced and buttered it, and put it in a box ready to take. Yesterday if you recall I also made a vegan chocolate cake that I put in a box ready to be frosted today for this evening's social.

Guess which box I took to Zac's last night?

The wrong one.

All around it was an interesting evening. Sean was leading us into the Advent season and using an Old Testament prophecy from Isaiah. One of our regular group, who has a very legalistic view of religion, picked up on a point and wouldn't let go. Others were getting very irate with her. Another occasional visitor who follows the teachings of a modern-day 'prophet' and has some very weird ideas joined in too. The great thing about Zac's is that all are welcome and everyone is encouraged to share their thoughts and questions. The bad thing about Zac's is . . . ditto.

Now here's the vegan chocolate cake.

Oh and I'm told by Husband that his name is not Bob but Bob The Dog.


Boud said...

So did the right cake make it to its destination? It's a great principle to encourage any and all opinions. If you can stand hearing them. Diamonds in your heavenly crown right there.

Marie Smith said...

That cake looks wonderful!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

I hope they all enjoyed the vegan chocolate cake at Zac's! And I think "Bob Bob" is a much cuter name than plain old "Bob the Dog."

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Mistakes happen and I wondered if the malt cake was enjoyed. The chocolate one looked wonderful.

Ann said...

Well so long as nobody knew what you were bringing the mistake could easily go undetected.

Anvilcloud said...

It certainly looks delish.