Sunday, November 26, 2023

Seven on Sunday

The trouble with doing a week's round-up is that I've already covered everything in my blog. So let's see if I can find anything. It would help, of course, if I could remember what I've done.

Praised the internet: On Wednesday a voucher was sent to Sean who forwarded it to me and I downloaded it, checked out the website, and bought a tent with it. All within twenty minutes. The tent was delivered yesterday and will be given out to whosoever needs it and asks for one first. 

Found what I hope won't be an appropriate t-shirt: While sorting out clothes in Zac's came across this.

Bought a book: French Rhapsody by Antoine Laurain. I've read a couple of his and loved them.

Reached: 27,868 words on my manuscript.

Continued the massive sort-out: Too many clothes of the wrong sort at Zac's, getting damp and taking up space so I am gradually working my way through them. 

Made a choice: Resisting the change to jeans and wore my shorts to Mumbles yesterday on what was probably the coldest day of the year so far. Regretted it slightly but managed. However am wearing jeans for walk in the rain this afternoon with Elder Son and Toby.

Wondered why: when you open a new pack of headache pills you always get the end with the warning leaflet folded over.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Interesting Sunday Seven items! And congrats on your NaNoWriMo word count!

Rajani Rehana said...

Beautiful blog

Rajani Rehana said...

Please read my post

Marie Smith said...

Well done with the word count, Liz. You’ve been busy!

Cop Car said...

It all sounds exhausting to those of us who don't labor on those sorts of things. Well done, Liz!

Abby said...

It seems you have a tent theme going.
Nice job on the writing!