Thursday, November 09, 2023

One of three

So last night I spoke at 3 Talks, a monthly event where three people each speak for ten minutes on a subject that they're passionate about. Naturally I spoke about Zac's. 

I got very nervous beforehand - even more than usual - because the event is run by my old church. Most of the audience aren't part of the church but I knew there'd be familiar faces there and it was nerve-wracking. Fortunately the organisers put me on first so I could relax for the rest of the evening. Enough in fact to enjoy a sticky toffee pudding dessert.

As always, it was fine. I impressed myself actually! I didn't need my cue cards and I don't think I ummed and err-ed too much, and I finished with twenty-three seconds to spare. (I'm trying to find out if it was recorded. If it was then I'll put it on here but may not listen to it myself!)

It's been occupying my mind most of the week, that and the writing. Currently on 10,774 words. Not brilliant but I have written at least a little every day. Some of it I've copied in chunks and adapted from the original version so it's sort of cheating but not really.

Just before lunchtime today the heavens opened and it poured down. Went really dark and thundered and hailstoned. Luckily that was just before I had to take Husband to the day clinic to have his eyes assessed for a cataract operation. Because it had stopped before we left I didn't dress up too much and regretted it in the car. It was 7.5 degrees outside which is cold for us. And I am still in my shorts. I really need to change to long trousers but I love my shorts. I came home and put the heating and a vest on. And had a lovely warming bowl of porridge for lunch.

Husband will phone when he is ready to be picked up. Whether my phone will ring is another question though. I've checked all the settings, everything is okay, it should ring loud and clear - but people keep complaining that I don't answer their calls. It might be that I don't hear it ringing but I blame my phone. It only rings when it feels like it. If it can be bothered. I am convinced of it.

My week of being cooked for is going well. It began with Sainsburys takeaway curries and was followed by salmon and vegetables, and shepherd's pie. Husband makes a wonderful shepherd's pie. And a large one so it gives us two days' dinners plus one dish that will go in the freezer for another day. 

The trouble with being cooked for is that I can get used to it.

Yesterday morning after cooking chicken curry in Zac's I went to Primark and bought £84 worth of boxers and pants. It wasn't until I was at the till that I discovered I'd brought a used voucher with me so had to pay with my card, meaning I now have to spend an equivalent amount on me in Primark in order to use the voucher. Does that make sense? I was trying to work it out.

But there are lots of pretty and Christmassy clothes in Primark for adults and children so I'm sure I can manage it. Anyway, after that back in Zac's some more volunteers came in and we had a bit of a clothes sort out, bringing the winter coats downstairs to hang in size order on the new clothes rails in the lounge to be easily accessible, rather than having to rush upstairs and rummage around every time we get a request.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Congrats on your talk going so well!

Boud said...

I'm glad your husband is coming through with his cooking commitment. Are you going to alternate weeks this way?

Great idea to put the Zac coats out in plain sight. Can people just try on and take what they need? Go you, you're so faithful to your work there, for years.

Liz Hinds said...

Thanks, Debra.

And thank you, Boud. No, because some people will just take loads each week! So we will still hand them out but I usually like to offer a choice.

Anvilcloud said...

That's good to be able to speak for 10 without notes.
Happy eating.

Tasker Dunham said...

The trick in public speaking is to be comfortable with pauses and silences. If you can stop for a few seconds and just look at the audience, you've cracked it. If you can't then you may be gabbling.

Ann said...

I've never been fond of public speaking. That's great that you went first. Nice to get it over with and enjoy the rest of the time.

Marie Smith said...

Love those leftovers and one for the freezer. So much easier than preparing a meal from scratch.