Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Bob Bob

I began reading one of my library books, a Booker Prize shortlisted novel no less, but in between the main story there were odd paragraphs that bore no relation to the plot. Maybe if I'd continued with it I'd have found out the significance but I couldn't be bothered and took it back to the library.

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Husband suggested Bob as the name for our doorstep dog and I think that's a good choice if only because Bob always reminds me of Rowan Atkinson.

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When I'm walking around town or anywhere I have a running commentary going on in my head. Sometimes I even tell myself jokes. Everyone does this, right?

Also when I was in M&S I spent quite a time taking a great considered interest in mashed potato to avoid 'seeing' someone. Everyone does this, right?

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Tonight is the start of a Big Week for me. Zac's as normal tonight, then tomorrow evening it's Zac's volunteers Christmas Social, Thursday evening I have a gong bath, and Friday evening it's out for a meal for Husband's birthday. Then there's a gap and then Husband's birthday tea party on Sunday. If I survive it should be a good week.

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Speaking of the social tomorrow evening I've made a vegan chocolate cake this afternoon, a first for me. Our chef, Claire, is vegan so I'm making it for her. I shall show photos tomorrow when it's finished.

I also cooked onions for two hours to caramelise them. Who knew it took so long?


Boud said...

Was the book by one of the three shortlisted Pauls? That name seems to be this year's requirement.

Gong bath?

Liz Hinds said...

Actually on checking, it might have been the author who was shortlisted rather than the book. Yes, it was a different book, I just googled it.
I will tell you all about the gong bath when i come back, Boud!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Bob Bob Bobbin' Along!

Marie Smith said...

Bob is a great name for the dog, if said the way Rowan says it especially.

Ole phat Stu said...

No running mental commentary but usually there is a subtask solving a maths problem. When I am piloting a single engined aeroplane I have a baskground mental task always running : If the engine quits NOW, I go for that field over tvere. Selecting fields like 7 league bootstrides.

Janie Junebug said...

I have a running commentary in my head, too, and right now it's saying, Gong bath? Happy birthday to your husband.


Anvilcloud said...

The way he says, Bob, is funny.

Yes, we've all done that in the grocery store.

Kathy G said...

I had to google was a gong bath was. It sounds fascinating.

Ann said...

Sometimes, if there are no other people close by, the commentary in my head is spoken out loud.