Saturday, October 14, 2023

On a lighter note

Wales play Argentina in the quarter-finals of the Rugby World Cup in Marseille today.

Another tense afternoon in store. In theory Wales should/could win. I want to believe!

But first we're going for a short walk with all the family here. Less of a walk, more to the pier for fish and chips. Maybe I won't have chips . . . 

Did I tell you that someone wanted the cot I put on freecycle? But could we deliver? It's only in town so I said yes. First plan we agreed was to take it Wednedsay lunchtime. Then the 'buyer' couldn't do that. Then we settled for 10.30 this morning. About 9 this morning he messaged and asked if we could make it 5 o'clock instead. No, we're watching rugby. Then I asked if he still wanted it at 10.30. No reply so we didn't go. Even I have my limits.


Anvilcloud said...

Such cheek: not you, him.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Hey, freecycle guy, here's a tip -- when some nice person is going out of their way (for free, yet) to do you a favour, YOU accommodate THEM, not vice versa.

Boud said...

The deal with free cycle is that you're being given something, so you pick up. This guy sounds as if he wanted a pen pal, not a free cycle.

Kathy G said...

I agree with all the Freecycle comments. With that being said, couldn't you have just dropped the cot by his front door, even if he wasn't available?

miruspeg said...

Commiserations on Wales loss Liz.
You were very patient with the guy who wanted the cot, silly chat!!
Love stopping by and reading your posts, they put a smile on my dial.

Ann said...

That guy was pretty picky for getting something free. I would have said this is when I can do it take it or leave it.

Liz Hinds said...

Thanks all. I didn't mind dropping off the cot but it was all a bit vague. Kathy, he's asked us to drop it off outside a café in the centre of Swansea, so no front door or garden in which to leave it.