Saturday, October 28, 2023

Is it existential?

I feared I might be having an existential crisis so I looked it up and was relieved to find out I wasn't. But I am wrought.

I know the expression is 'overwrought' but I feel wrought is more expressive. It's my own fault; I have set myself too many targets. I could stop . . . but it's fine. It will pass. I will pull myself together and just get on with things.
* * * * *

Elder Son set AI the task of designing a book cover for me. 

I really liked it, the few weird bits aside, so I had a go at my own version of it. 

Right, back to editing now. (I just fell over. I was wrestling Louie's bed away from him as he likes to eat it, and between Louie, the bed, and my own feet I tripped up and thumped down on the floor. So not only will I have achy legs from walking but I'll have a bruised bum as well.)


Anvilcloud said...

AI is getting impressive.
I had to look up Wrought. I think it works, at least metaphorically, the way you used it: (of metals) beaten out or shaped by hammering.

Marie Smith said...

Great cover. Glad you you only bruised yourself.

Ann said...

I like that cover.