Saturday, October 28, 2023

If brains were dynamite etc

Fy nghas beth (my pet hate) or at least one of them is runners talking to each other as they pass you going uphill. It's just showing off!

Took Louie for an extra long walk this morning. He's used to two a day and the forecast for this afternoon is heavy rain. Yesterday, after Husband took him out in the rain, he wouldn't speak to anybody for hours. Louie doesn't like rain. So that's my excuse for not going out again if it's pouring later. Well, it will be that and my aching legs: I'm not used to walks quite as long as we did today. 

We headed uphill through Clyne Woods to the Keeper's Cottage and roundabout a bit before crossing back over the top with the intention of exiting the woods and walking down a little to the side gate into Gerddi Clun (Clyne Gardens).

When we got there the gate was padlocked. A couple were also trying to get in. I muttered and decided we'd walk back up the hill and go through the top entrance to the gardens. Halfway back down, now inside the gardens, I saw the man and woman who'd been with me trying to get in at the side gate. 

"How did you get in?" I asked maybe slightly accusingly.
"Through the gate," the woman said. 
"But the gate was locked!"
She shook her head. "No, it wasn't."

I carried on with our walk, feeling confused, as no doubt she was having denied that she'd found the gate padlocked. 

I'd gone a short distance when it hit me. It was the wrong woman and they were the wrong gates. 

I'd been trying to get in through the gates that lead to the expensive private Clyne Castle estate. The gates I should have used were further down and, as the woman said, open.

I blame the other people trying - and failing - to get in. I was on automatic pilot thinking about novels and wondering how on earth I could stop Louie from pulling on his lead. By the time they get back from holiday I will be able to touch my toes with my right hand without bending over.

Anyway, skipping rapidly over my stupidity, we finished our walk by going back along the beach where we found - and I managed to stop Louie eating - two sharks. Okay, dogfish. 

* * * * *

World Cup Final tonight, New Zealand against the South Africa, two excellent sides. I've always had a soft spot for NZ but I like the South African team too so it should be an enjoyable watch. Last night we watched the play-off for third and fourth places between England and Argentina. England won so Husband is happy although there is plenty of room for improvement.

We're also watching Beckham, the Netflix documentary. I was keen to watch as I'd heard lots of good things about it. David Beckham comes over very well once you get used to his slightly irritating voice.

* * * * *

Had a craving for a nice warming pie last night so made this beef and onion one.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Mmmm, your beef and onion pie looks good! I hope it helped to ease your aching legs.

Anvilcloud said...

Foruntately, I have never done anyhtign silly. Never.

We watched Beckham part 1. We'd probably have enjoyed it more if we were fans of soccer/football.

Boud said...

I walk daily, and think I have a brisk pace. Then someone strolls past me and they're in the distance while I'm still striding out and losing ground. This can't be right.

Kathy G said...

That pie looks heavenly! Comfort food can't be beat

Ann said...

I can't even get myself to do one walk a day let alone 2